Producing Videos That Target Lead Generation: 3 Easy Tips
Many professional marketers and businesses are turning their attention to producing videos that target lead generation. It is due to the high success rate of this marketing strategy in gaining more prospective customers through engaged viewership and heightened intrigue.
According to Social Media Week, online video audiences can retain 95 per cent of the main message, and 92 per cent of mobile users claim to share videos with others. It means that businesses can gain a lot from video production services when they target lead generation. But what kind of videos can turn strangers into customers?
This article will discuss three lead generation-focused videos that you can produce for your business. The main goal is to invest in the best video content to widen your customer base and increase sales by establishing an effective online presence.
Create a strategic explainer video
Producing an explainer video can help you get your business’s core message across to many prospective customers. You can talk about your business’s brand and how your products and services can make a difference. However, you have to remember that explainer videos are plentiful online, which may affect your viewership.
Before producing your explainer video, watch your competitors’ explainer videos and remember their strengths and weaknesses. Doing so will enable you to produce a video that can be highly competitive and unique. You can also consult with a video production agency to enhance the entertainment value of your explainer video.
Incorporate video content into your landing page
There are many ways to share your business website online, but you may not be getting the traffic you need to generate sales. That is why you need to find ways to ensure your landing page can entice prospective customers. One of the best ways to do so is by producing strong video content for your website. However, it needs to be highly innovative and disruptive.
One of the best ways to incorporate highly click-worthy video content for your business website is to focus more on production value rather than video length. Think about it: You visit a random website, see a video, and may not be hooked if the run time is too long.
Incorporate videos into your landing page that are simple, straightforward, and target your ideal customer within the first five seconds. That’s how you can get them clicking and buying your products and services.
Analyse marketing data to produce leads-oriented videos
Video production can only be a useful tool for lead generation if you know two things: your audience and its corresponding marketing data. These are your tools to create a lasting impression on prospective customers who want to enjoy the kind of lifestyle you offer through your products and services. But how can you pull it off?
A pet-oriented brand called Crown and Paw had the same dilemma when they were hoping to attract more dog owners through video content. Fortunately, we at Video Ink came up with a direct-response video campaign to attract more young female owners to the shop. And it was a rousing success!
Through our highly strategic videos, Crown and Paw reported a two hundred per cent increase in sales and a strong re-positioning as a market leader. Your business can find the same success if you partner with us. Read more about what we do to find out more about our video process philosophy.
Video production is a challenging venture, but you can find success if you learn to market strategically and partner with the right experts. You also need to think of realistic lead generation goals to achieve with each video campaign. Produce the best video content today and partner with the right video production professionals to find success online!
Video Ink is your professional video production agency in Manchester. We can provide you with the best lead generation-focused video content to enhance your online presence. Consult with our video production team to grow your business.