How to Get More Reviews on Your Business’s Social Media Pages

The demand for reviews on social media has skyrocketed in recent years. Nobody wants to buy a new product or try out a new restaurant without first reading user ratings and reviews from peers. Today, we will share with you some tips on getting more customer reviews on social media.
Ask Questions (In a Fun Way!)
The best way to get more social media reviews is to ask for them, of course. This can be done in a fun way by posting photos and asking them about their experience. Don’t be discouraged if you have few answers. The questions should give customers a chance to express their opinions and answer other users’ questions.
Share Reviews from Other Users
This is a great way to encourage your customers to share their own opinions about your business. Ask other users to share their reviews and display these on your social media page. When other people see existing reviews on your page, they will also be willing to share their own.
Add Feedback Forms on Your Website
This is a simple way to get more social media reviews. All you need to do is insert a feedback form on your website. You can even make it pop up when someone visits the homepage.
With so many people shopping online, you should definitely consider adding a review section to your site. This will help you boost sales and build trust between you and your customers. Make sure to display those reviews on social media!
Reward Those That Share and Comment
There are many different ways to approach this. You can choose to reward a certain amount of points to shoppers. Or you can give people discounts and special perks. If a customer shares a review on social media that you think will be useful to other people, give them a point. The more points they get, the more rewards they can get.
Tap Your Email Subscribers
Email subscribers are a great audience to target. They’re more likely to follow your brand, and more likely to spread the word about you. Include a survey/questionnaire in your emails asking customers for reviews.
Promote Your Site on Social Media
Invite your customers to share a review on social media, and you will be surprised at the results. You can tag other people on most social media sites to help promote your business. Use this to get more reviews, awareness and traffic to your site.
You do not need to have a good social media presence to get more reviews. Within a short time, you will have more than enough reviews to use on your website.
Get the Social Media Reviews You Need
Not enough people actively review businesses or products on social media. If you want to see a change in the way businesses and products are viewed, you need to encourage consumers to share their opinions and experiences with other users. These are simple steps, but will greatly encourage reviews from your customers’ friends and fellow customers. By following these steps, you’ll get more customers reviews on social media for free.
Let us help you gain more social media reviews. Video Ink is a reputable digital marketing agency in Manchester, UK. Contact us!