5 Valuable Tips on Utilising Video Content for Social Media
The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly made a significant shift to digital marketing—in a good way. With average consumers now absorbing over 80% more content than pre-pandemic, there are now many opportunities for business owners to thrive online. One of the most popular forms of content that online users use more of today is video content. Because of this, there is an excellent opportunity for companies to use visual materials to engage, communicate with, and retain customers during the global health crisis.
Engagement, communication, and retention are vital for companies today, regardless of the size. These three key aspects can be obtained through social video production because sharing videos across networks will let you tap into a broader network. A considerable majority of employees are working from home, in which, despite the tasks they need to get done, they also have more time to browse social media without worrying about colleagues and bosses looking over their shoulders.
For this reason, using visual content on your social media accounts will go a long way in helping you achieve your company goals. If you want to utilise this medium, here are five valuable tips on how you can grow your brand and thrive amid troublous times through video on social media:
Identify your goal
The use of video on social media platforms has risen over the past years, but that isn’t a guarantee that it will be effective for your brand. This is because the success of your video content will be reliant on the clarity of your objectives. Because of this, you must take time to identify your end goal before you create videos if you want to have desirable results.
Ensure the video has a purpose
Despite the growing number of consumers absorbing online content these days, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are enjoying every content they see online. If you want your video to stand out from the crowd, it needs to have a clear purpose. Create a sense of emotion and intrigue through your video that will serve your consumers well today.
Create authentic content
As more and more companies churn out video content, many of them have similarities, and this can compromise their content; you don’t want this to happen to you. For this reason, be sure to make authenticity a priority when creating video content. You can stick to your brand’s personality and think of ways to showcase its value amid the dense market.
Make your videos mobile-friendly
Remember that most people today access the Internet through their mobile devices. This is why it’s crucial to ensure that your video content is mobile-friendly and scalable. As a result, you can tap into a broader audience that will find value in your video content.
Add videos in your emails
Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to keep customers as well as your target audience engaged. This is an excellent opportunity to make your videos more visible in front of a bigger market that will help boost your marketing strategy.
Despite the global pandemic, companies can still capitalise on their digital marketing strategies to put their solutions in front of the growing number of people who rely on the Internet. This presents an opportunity for business owners to keep their companies afloat.
These uncertain times may be challenging to navigate. Yet, with the right marketing strategies in place, such as video content on social media, you can look forward to a brighter future that will even help your brand thrive post-pandemic. As mentioned, your visual material must have a purpose, which is why it’s vital to ensure that you have clear objectives before you launch a video across social networks.
If you want to achieve better results, consider the help of a professional to make your video compelling. Video Ink is a reputable video production company in Manchester that helps brands to transform their video marketing. Connect with us today to get a proposal!