3 Tips on Repurposing Video Content: A Guide for Businesses

Producing compelling video content for your brand is necessary to keep it relevant in the online marketplace, especially on social media. However, it’s now harder to pull off due to COVID-19 restrictions, primarily closed establishments, social distancing, and general fear of going out to film. The good news is if you have a host of usable content, there are ways to repurpose them for your marketing efforts. You just have to do so in a professional means to avoid being tagged as irrelevant and not worth supporting.
This article will discuss three main tips to guide you through the video production process with a focus on rehashing old content with fresh, unique entertainment. Take this as a starting point to becoming a leading brand in your niche as you separate yourself from your competitors. This way, you can gain more leads, confirmed profits, and online acclaim, allowing you to keep your business running!
1. Think of your core message and new target audience
If you are puzzled about your main goals with your repurposed videos, it’s best to set the tone for your project. One effective way to do this is through brainstorming, researching, and focusing on your business’s core message and your new target audience. It’s just like you are beginning from the pre-production stage, but you have a chance to speed up the filming and editing phases since you already have some content available.
Once you have your core message and target audience set, you can start storyboarding or determining how you want your new video to look and flow as a cohesive piece. It’s best to also refer to a video production specialist at this early stage to prevent falling into common setbacks, like missing a crucial story element or branding opportunity. After all, these early steps are what can define your video’s commercial success, whether in its target market or within other niches.
2. Develop brand-new ways to produce visual content
Most businesses have come to a screeching halt with their video marketing; they were accustomed to always having new footage, scripts, and elaborate backdrops to entice prospective customers. But now, they know adapting is crucial, and you can learn a thing or two from them. For instance, you can use video conferencing, soundbites or recordings, mobile phone-shot videos, social media trends, and more! You just have to be open to different possibilities.
With innovative video production, you can fill in any gaps in your storyline, letting you take full creative control of your new content. This way, you can make even the oldest videos relevant to your current branding. Just ensure you initiate this with thorough research and high-resolution content in mind to keep in step with other effective video marketing campaigns.
3. Consider remote video production and working with local experts
The pandemic has pushed many teams to reconfigure their daily work. This video production venture may be a chance for you and your employees to reconsider remote work and collaborative efforts. For example, suppose you want to work remotely with our video production agency in Manchester. In that case, you can enquire with us to see if we are appropriately aligned with your marketing direction, work dynamics, and the like. The bottom line is you want to ensure you repurpose your content in an attractive, professional way, so it is definitely worth trying!
Reusing video content in production is no longer frowned upon, especially if done right. Now, you have the practical knowledge needed to get started. You just have to ensure you have all the essential resources and people you need. This way, the process is as hassle-free and cost-effective as possible. Think about your next repurposed video campaign today!
Are you looking for the best video production services in Manchester to repurpose your content professionally? Consult with us at Video Ink. We are your team of industry-disrupting experts, enabling you to use videos as an effective marketing strategy. Choose among our plans to pick the appropriate solution for your branding needs and preferences.